Talkies, 2020
a&o Kunsthalle (DE)
Performance, 32’00’’
[1] The performance project Talkies gathers thoughts and research on both the physical and political aspects of voice: the sound and presence of language, polyphony, speaking position, difference and representation. It explores the current organization of voices and places for their equal arrangement.
[2] Eight performers – Judith Crasser, Insa Deist, Jenn Dickemann, Sophia Eisenhut, Saeyan Kang, Gwen Kyrg, Felix Pötzsch, Philipp Zöhrer – explored different methods, sounds and movements involving their voices and political bodies over a period of four months. During the performative situation, the performers mingled with the audience. At times, their voices flew through space from different directions; while at other times, there was silence. It was a conversation that addressed the relationship between the individual and the group – a place for the reception of polyphony.