Surfaces (are a distinctly human problem), 2019
NYG West (DE)
Multimedia installation
[1] The installation Surfaces (are a distinctly human problem) is based on extensive (material) research that explores gestures of inscription and visual representation processes.
[2] In the sense of an archeological practice, the floor installation reveals a moment that has already passed, staged as dancerly movement. The relief forms the score, for the spatial dynamics of this past situation. This narrative is contrasted by the sound of a voice. It performs a monologue that expresses its detached attitude towards tracking technologies. The project explores how body-space relations manifest to be experienced and made accessible for an afterworld.
I’m pleased to meet you.
What can you teach me?
We shape our tools, then the tools shape us.
Transactions replace relationships.
Precarious Freedoms.
Your face never forgets a cry.
Photos: David Rank