Lissy Willberg (b. 1989, East Berlin) lives and works in Leipzig (DE).
Lissy Willberg is an artist, researcher, and lecturer specializing in performative arts. With a background in dance, they explore social and spatial dynamics through multimedia installations and performances based on participatory proposals. These site-specific constellations blur the boundaries between being, performing and participating. At the core of Willberg’s work are texts that emerge as performance scripts, movement scores, exhibition manuals, song lyrics, research abstracts or essays. Currently, Willberg is moving-researching along (im)possible demarcations between nature, culture, and technology. Their projects explore the materialities of ways of relating and pursue questions of collectivity and co-creation. For a few years, they’ve been testing artistic ways of documenting, preserving and archiving the performative.
After graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (2020), Willberg completed an M.A. at the Dutch Art Institute (2022) and participated in the first Postnatural Independent Program (2023). In 2023, they received a working grant from the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony (DE) as well as the Stiftung Kunstfonds (DE). Their work has been published by Cthulhu Books (ESP) and Transcript Publishing (DE). Since 2021, they have been proposing a variety of educational formats at art academies, art foundations, museums, schools and so-called special-needs schools. Together with artist Sarafina McLeod, they produce collective work under the name intangible archives.
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Lissy Willberg is an artist, researcher, and lecturer specializing in performative arts. With a background in dance, they explore social and spatial dynamics through multimedia installations and performances based on participatory proposals. These site-specific constellations blur the boundaries between being, performing and participating. At the core of Willberg’s work are texts that emerge as performance scripts, movement scores, exhibition manuals, song lyrics, research abstracts or essays. Currently, Willberg is moving-researching along (im)possible demarcations between nature, culture, and technology. Their projects explore the materialities of ways of relating and pursue questions of collectivity and co-creation. For a few years, they’ve been testing artistic ways of documenting, preserving and archiving the performative.
After graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (2020), Willberg completed an M.A. at the Dutch Art Institute (2022) and participated in the first Postnatural Independent Program (2023). In 2023, they received a working grant from the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony (DE) as well as the Stiftung Kunstfonds (DE). Their work has been published by Cthulhu Books (ESP) and Transcript Publishing (DE). Since 2021, they have been proposing a variety of educational formats at art academies, art foundations, museums, schools and so-called special-needs schools. Together with artist Sarafina McLeod, they produce collective work under the name intangible archives.
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